Strong in the wind!

【I am strong in the rain.

I am strong in the wind.

I am strong in the summer heat and snow.

I am healthy and tough and free from all desire.

I never lose my temper or good nature nor the smile on my lips.

I eat four cups of brown rice, miso and a few vegetables a day.

I do not think of myself first before others.

In everything, I learn from my experience and never forget what is important.

I live in a small thatched roof hut in a field under some pine trees.

If there is a sick child in the east, I go there to nurse the child.

If there is a tired mother in the west, I go to her and carry her bundles of rice.

If someone is dying in the south, I go and tell them not to be afraid.

If there is a quarrel and a lawsuit in the north, I tell them to stop their petty fighting.

I weep when there is a drought and wander upset when the summer is cold.

I am called useless by everyone and receive no praise.

No one takes me to heart.

This is the kind of person I always want to be. 】

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